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Competences & Products

Testing technology

At ENGMATEC, you will find a comprehensive range of reliable test solutions for your electronic product – from PCB testing to integrated solutions.
Benefit from our experience and expertise as well as the wide range of technologies that we use.

We design test systems for large or small series production based on the needs of our customers. Required processes related to electronics, image processing, mechanics, and pneumatics are selected and combined in a targeted way. The selection process depends on product-specific factors such as production volume and complexity.

Perfect for the following areas

In-circuit test

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Functional test

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End-of-line test

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Haptic test

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RF test

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Temperature test

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High current test

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AOI image processing

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Your advantages

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Concentrated know-how 

through assembly and testing expertise from a single source

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through custom solutions

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from more than 2000 realized projects

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for the end user through tested quality

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through cost-effective concepts

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through reduced manpower requirements

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in the production process

Do you have individual requirements?

We will find the right solution.
From process analysis to the finished system.

Das hat hervorragend funktioniert!

Wir werden uns schnellstmöglich mit ihnen in Verbindung setzen und ihnen die gewünschte Eintrittskarte zusenden. 

Wir freuen darauf, Sie persönlich auf der Messe kennenzulernen.

Ihr Engmatec-Team