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Competences & Products


Our specialists rely on their concentrated expertise to develop customized systems as an efficient solution for your task. Depending on the specifications, they integrate various solution concepts, which may include lean management, one-piece flow, or poka-yoke.

Each project is supervised by a project manager, who is available at all times as a direct contact. Let us advise you on the choice of software and hardware components, look forward to the smooth installation of machines at their destination and the reliable maintenance of your systems – on request with a customized maintenance contract.



Project planning

En route to the perfect solution, you will receive support from various experts. Our project planning and sales specialists will work with you to develop cost-effective installation and testing strategies. Specialists in the fields of line planning and traceability will support you in structuring your processes and establish the necessary link to your databases.

Throughout the entire process, our project managers will ensure that the order runs smoothly and always keep a vigilant eye on deadlines, quality, and costs.


Process analysis

We will work with you to analyze your processes in order to get the best possible performance out of your system. This creates the basis for efficient processes.

Determining process limits enables the early detection of deviations. This means that errors can be detected at an early stage and prevented from the outset. Recorded process graphs can be analyzed to optimize processes together with your product development department.


Integration with traceability systems

If required, we can link our systems to your traceability system. Interfaces to common manufacturing execution systems (MES) allow effective integration into higher-level workflow systems.

This means that you can always keep 100% track on when your product was produced and which process parameters were used. This information is indispensable, especially for safety-critical components.


Your advantages

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Precisely tailored to your processes

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Innovative solutions

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Detailed concept formulation

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Clear, visual presentation of offers

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Agile concept, flexible implementation

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Direct contacts

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Transparency in the supply chain

Do you have individual requirements?

We will find the right solution.
From process analysis to the finished system.

Das hat hervorragend funktioniert!

Wir werden uns schnellstmöglich mit ihnen in Verbindung setzen und ihnen die gewünschte Eintrittskarte zusenden. 

Wir freuen darauf, Sie persönlich auf der Messe kennenzulernen.

Ihr Engmatec-Team